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Повествование Эаха то ран ариики кетэ

Главная > Лингвистика > Письменности > Кохау ронгоронго > Тексты песен > Eaha to ran ariiki kete

Песня зачитана рапануйцем Урэ Ваэико (Ure Vaeiko), когда Вильям Томсон (William Thomson) показал ему фотографию таблички S (“Большая Вашингтонская”). Здесь это показано так, как издал Томсон в 1891 году (страницы 523-524).

Salmon's translation, in the right-hand column, bears so little relationship with Ure Vaeiko's recitation as to be almost entirely pure fantasy, even taking into account the uncertainties introduced by the many typographical mistakes.

Текст Eaha to ran ariiki kete с переводом

1. Eaha to ran ariiki kete mahua i uta nei ?
E tupu tomo a mata mea e rangi ran e tuatea to ran ariiki kete mahua i uta nei.
Ane rato mani rata karata te tuatea, karata te rangi ran karata te tupuna.

What power has the Great King upon the land ?
He has power to make the plants grow and to change the sky to different colors.
All hail the power of the Great King who makes us lenient to the young plants, to admire the skies of different colors, and to behold the clouds that rise.

2. Eaha to ran ariiki kete mahua i uta nei ?
E ura e poopoo e koiro e nohoe e to ran ariiki kete mahua i uta nei.
Ane rato mani rata karata te ura ki kara te poopoo e nehe e riku e kava-kava atu.

What power has the Great King upon the land ?
He has the power to create the lobsters, white-bait, eels, ape-fish, and everything in the sea.
All hail the power of the Great King who gives us the knowledge to catch the lobsters, white-bait, eels, ape-fish, and all marine animals.

3. Eaha to ran ariiki kete mahua i uta nei ?
E nehe e riku e kava atua to ran ariiki kete mahua i uta nei.
Ane rato mani rata karata te nehe karata riku karata rain kava atua.

What power has the Great King upon the land ?
He has the power to produce the ferns, creeping plants, grass, bushes and all vegetation.
All hail the power of the Great King who has taught us to love ferns, creeping plants, and all green things.

4. Eaha to ran ariiki kete mahua i uta nei ?
E a hao nei e kahi e atu e ature.
Ane rato mani rata karata te kahi kaharta ahi rarata te ature ane rato.

What power has the Great King upon the sea ?
He has the power to create the mighty fish that swim in the deep water.
All hail the power of the Great King who has given us the strength and skill to catch the fish of the mighty deep.

5. Eaha to ran ariiki kete mahua i uta nei ?
E ufi e tra e kumaro to ran ariiki mahua i uta nei.
Ane rato karata te ufi kumara toa e mahua i uta nei, ane rato maru.

What power has the Great King on the land ?
He has the power to produce the yams, potatoes, and sugar-cane.
All hail the power of the Great King who enables us to use as food yams, potatoes, and sugar-cane.

6. Eaha to ran ariiki kete mahua i uta nei ?
E honu e kea e pane te ran ariiki kete mahua i uta nei.
Ane rato karata te honu te kea te pane.

What power has the Great King on the land ?
He has the power to clothe the turtles in hard shell, the fish with scales, and protects every living thing.
All hail the power of the Great King who enables us to overcome the defense of the turtles, fish, and all reptiles.

7. Eaha to ran ariiki kete mahua i uta nei ? E hetu e range e han e na e raa e mahua te ran ariiki kete mahua i irunga nei. Ane rato karata te rangi e hon e na e raa e mahua.

What power has the Great King in the universe ?
He has the power to create the stars, the clouds, the dew, the rain, the sun, and the moon.
All hail the power of the Great King who enables us to appreciate the blessings of the bright stars, the lowering clouds, the gentle dew, the falling rain, and the light of the sun and moon.

8. Eaha te ran ariiki kete mahua i uta nei ?
E anuga nei karata te hehun rangi han na raa mahua.
Ane rato karata te hehuu rangi han na raa mahua.

What power has the Great King upon the land ?
He has the power to populate the earth, to create both kings and subjects.
All hail the power of the Great King who has created the human beings, given authority to kings, and created loyal subjects.

9. Eaha to ran ariiki kete mahua i uta nei ?
E ariiki e tapairu to ran ariiki kete i mahua i mua nei.
Ane rato karata to ariiki te tapairu.

What power has the Great King upon the land ?
He has the power to create maggots, flies, worms, fleas, and all creeping and flying insects.
All hail the power of the Great King who enables us to withstand the attacks of the maggots, flies, worms, fleas, and all manner of insects.

10. Eaha to ran ariiki kete mahua i uta nei ?
E oi e potupotu e ugarara e hata to ran ariiki kete mahua i uta nei.
Ane rato karata main rata e oi e potupotu e ugarara e hata to ran ariiki kete mahua i uta nei.

What power has the Great King ?
All hail the unlimited power of the Great King.

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Статистика текста Eaha to ran ariiki kete

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