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Phoenetic model of the artificial numerals

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Turkoid numerals model

Igor Garshin, Information Systems Analyst (with the participation of the entire Group of Pipeline Applications)

Таблица числительных тюркских языков

After numerous developments and perpetual doubts I nevertheless made a final conclusion - the most optimal way is making the numerals a posteriori (as a priori has too much variants), and the most pertinent candidates are Turkic languages (it is tested in the Kazakh bank).

    It's offer the next model of the numerals (an emphasis on the last syllable, j=dzh):
  • 1 - mi (from bir, "b" was changed to "m" for more difference from be - five), 2 - ke (from eki), 3 - chu (from uch), 4 - to (РѕС‚ tort), 5 - be (from besh), 6 - lu (from altu), 7 - ji (РѕС‚ jeti), 8 - se (from segiz), 9 - gu (from toguz), 10 - on (from on, can be min - "one ten" too),
  • 100 - ur (from juz, with sonoring "z" to "r" which necessary for fast talking of derived words) (it can be also mir - "one hundred", from "mi-ur" - as in the examples for 200 etc. which are given below),
  • 1000 - al (instead of Turkic meng; "al" is only a priori formation for comfortable production following numerals - powers from 1000) (also one can mil - "one thousand", as kel - 2000, chul - 3000, tol - 4000, bel - 5000, jil - 6000, sel - 7000, gul - 8000, (o)nal - 10000).
    In this way the secondary numerals will be the following:
  • 11 - onmi, 12 - onke, 13 - onchu, 14 - onto, 15 - onbe, 16 - onlu, 17 - onji, 18 - onse, 19 - ongu;
  • 20 - ken (in abbreviated from ki-on), 30 - chun, 40 - ton, 50 - ben, 60 - lun, 70 - jin, 80 - sen, 90 - gun;
  • 200 - ker (shortly from ki-ur), 300 - chur, 400 - tor, 500 - ber, 600 - lur, 700 - jir, 800 - ser, 900 - gur;
  • 21 - kenmi, 43 - tonchu, 65 - linbe (one can for comfort limbe), 185 - ursenbe, 999 - gurgungu, 1357 - alchurbenji, 2468 - keltorlinse.
    The powers from thousand:
  • 1 000 000 - kal ("million") or mikal ("one million", short mik), i.e. 1000 to the second power (and, similarly, 2 mln - kek(al), 3 mln - chuk(al), 4 mln - tok(al), 5 mln - bek(al), 6 mln - luk(al), 7 mln - jik(al), 8 mln - sek(al), 9 mln - guk(al), 10 mln - onk(al)),
  • 1 000 000 000 - chal ("milliard", "billion") or michal ("one billion", shortly mich), i.e. 1000 to the 3rd power (and, accordinly, 2-10 bil - kech(al), chuch(al), toch(al), bech(al), luch(al), jich(al), sech(al), guch(al), onch(al)),
  • trillion - tal or mital (short - mit), i.e. 1000 to 4th power, quadrillion - (mi)bal, quintallion - (mi)lal etc. (1000 to 7th - jil, to 8 - sel, to 9 - gul, to 10 - o(n)l).
    The derivatives from them:
  • 2 mln - kekal (shortly - kek), 3 mln - chukal (chuk), 4 mln - tok(al), 5 mln - bekal (shortly - bek), 6 mln - lukal (luk), 7 mln - jik(al), 8 mln - sekal (shortly - sek), 9 mln - gukal (guk), 10 mln - onk(al);
  • 2 bil - kechal (shortly - kech), 3 bil - chuchal (chuch), 4 bil - toch(al), 5 bil - bechal (shortly - bech), 6 bil - luchal (luch), 7 bil - jich(al), 8 bil - sechal (shortly - sech), 9 bil - guchal (guch), 10 bil - onch(al) etc.

Look, it sounds shortly, simply and euphonic: 4 234 567 912 345 678 921 ("Four quintallions two hundred thirty four quadrillons five hundred sixty seven trillions nine hundred twelve billions three hundred forty five millions six hundred seventy eight thousands nine hundred twenty one": Tolal kerchuntobal berlunjital guonkechal churtonbekal lurjinseal gurkenmi (or briefly Tol kerchuntob berlunjit guonkech churtonbek lurjinsem gurkenmi).
To more transparent understanding this model look please to name of the same big number 9 999 999 999 999 999 999:
gul(al) gurgungu-b(al) gurgungu-t(al) gurgungu-ch(al) gurgungu-k(al) gurgungu-al gurgungu (penultimate member "999 thousand" one can to present also like gurgungu-mil, shortly - gurgungum).

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Keywords for seeking about numeral models:
numerous model, turkoid numerals, modlang numeral project, turkic-like numerics, phonetic form of numerals in artificial language.

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Page updated on 15.09.2022